Tuesday, July 27, 2010

One Year

Well one year ago this morning we left the place we called home for 5 years. It is hard to believe that a year has passed already. I am not going to lie, it was an emotional time for me. We were leaving behind 5 years of memories and people that we had grown to love. We had lot of good memories and also some really hard times. We had major life changing event happen in our life while we lived there. One with the passing of Lily and then a year later with the birth of Drew. Luke had spent most of his life growning up there...he learned to walk, talk and so much more in this place. It was a good home for us for those 5 years.
As we left that morning and said goodbye to Colorado I was excited and a little sad at the same time. I was looking forward to the new start in our lives and putting some of the hard times behind us. It has been quite a year for us and I could never have imagined some of the things that have come about since we have been here. We were blessed with a great job for Joe, and a beautiful home for our boys to grown up in. We have made some great friends and continue to get to know people here.
One thing that i never saw coming is the idea of my mom and her husband moving here. They started talking about it months ago and now it seem like it will be happening before the end of the year. I have not lived by my mom for 6 years. It will be so nice to have them here for us and the boys. Funny how one thing leads to another.
Although it was a little hard for me to leave behind our life in Colorado and move on from all that we went through there, I can say the past year has been great for me and our whole family and I couldn't be more thankful!


Tiffany said...

That's so wonderful, I am so happy for you!!!

candace smith said...

how sweet girl! brought tears to my eyes! im so thankful you are here and we have got to know each other! i love you <3