Wednesday, August 18, 2010

1st born in 1st grade

All ready for 1st grade.
Dropping him off for his 1st day.

Meeting his teacher the night before
Standing below his name and the wall of all his classmates
Luke's school
So I dropped Luke off for his 1st day of 1st grade today. He was so excited and has been counting down the days for awhile now. We had fun getting ready for school this year. We went shopping and got him some new clothes and shoes for school. We got all his needed school supplies. Last night we went to the school for the "meet and greet." He got to met his teacher and see his classroom and also check out the class list of who is in his class this year. He found a couple of familiar names from kids that were in his Kindergarten class, so he was excited about that. We checked out the classroom and he even has his own desk this year!!!! Very cool!!! We got up early this morning and got him ready for his first day. I packed him his lunch and put a little note inside for good luck on his first day and off he went. He will be home in about 2 hours now and i am excited to hear how his first day was. Although i did already get a call from the school double checking that I was picking Luke up. They said they asked him and he didn't know how he was getting home. Even though we went over it several time and I showed him where I would pick him up....first day jitters I guess. I am sure by the end of the week he will have it all down.
With Luke starting 1st grade it has brought on many thoughts and emotions for me that I was totally NOT expecting. As the first day got closer i started thinking about the new schedule that was going to be starting and it made me realize how much time he was going to be away from me. Each school day is 7hrs long..that's 35 hours a week. I have never usually been away from him for more than a few hours at a time. Pre-school and Kindergarten were only half needless to say this is quite a change for me and him. I am sure he is handling it just fine, but me not so much. I keep thinking where did the past 6 years go...what happen to my little boy. I look at Drew and it seem just like yesterday that Luke was that age. I think back to when we was Drew's age and it was just me and Luke together all day everyday. He is my first born and those first few years are so special and I am thankful that I was able to be a stay at home mom with him and make all those wonderful memories. Cause that is something I will never get back. I can't explain it, but my heart just feels sad today that he is growing up so fast. You don't get that time back when they are little and from here on out he will spend a majority of his awake time somewhere else. I am thankful for the summers though, and is it crazy to say that I can't wait for next summer
I know this is all an adjustment time for him and probably mostly me, and I will get used to it soon, but I miss my little boy. But it is not about quantity of time, but quality time right? I am sure I will really enjoy and look forward to the hours that we do get to spend together. It will also be nice for Drew to have the "one on one" time with me. The first born children get alot of that, so it will be good for Drew to have the extra attention too. It is just hard letting go and watching your child move on to a new chapter in their life and it kinda feels like in too short amount of time he will be all grown up and out on his own. I know that is years down the road, but at one time so was going to school. I just pray that I can soak in all the time with my boys and provide a wonderful childhood for them.
Me and my little man.

Remembering days that were just yesterday.

He has given me so much joy in the past 6 years!
I love you Luke!


Tiffany said...

He looks so happy; I can tell he's going to do well!

Anonymous said...

Aww Beth you are such a great mom! I'm sure that is incredibly hard to send him off to a full day of school after being with him for all those years. I'm just a phone call away if you ever need anything or want to get together...(even though you already know that) ; ) Luke will do great!