Thursday, April 06, 2006

Get all your ducks in a row!! (Literally)

Well I think Luke is on his way to becoming a perfectionist.
I have noticed a pattern with him. He is very meticulous. He like to put things in straight lines, and he notices anything and everything that is out of place.
He likes to be clean. He doesn't like it if he spills food on his shirt. He gets upset and doesn't want to eat any more. When he turned 1 we gave him a big piece of cake and let him go at it. He picked it up with his hand and ate a little. They when it got all over his hands he just started crying and trying to wipe his hands off.

We will be driving down the road and if there is a car with a dent in it he will say "Oh no broked it" It is really funny!! Another one of his pet peeves as it would seem is when something gets dirty...whether it's my shirt or his shirt or the floor or anything he will say "Oh no mess"
He is a very observant boy!!! It is so interesting to watch. I wonder if it will continue when he gets older. Now don't get me wrong he does have his moments when he like to tears things up and make a mess. It is usually right after he gets done putting them all in a straight line.


Renee said...

That's interesting. Are you like that? Or your husband? It seems like, with things like that, they take after one parent or another.
I love the picture with the cake!

Nicki said...

That is just too cute! I just love that blonde hair.

My oldest has always been like that. She lines up everything and if she see a picture askew or something like that, she has to "fix it". LOL!

Heidi said...

Hi Beth - that is so cute, he must be very helpful around the house!
Thanks for the well wishes again, I'm feeling stronger each day. I liked that butterfly on the photobucket link too! I have read so much on your blog lately and haven't had the time to comment but know that you're in my thoughts and I'm glad you and your family are well! The bottle thing...don't feel many people are going through that at that age still so it's quite alright, don't feel bad. You've done so well with Luke!


Trina said...

Hi Beth,
River was the same way!! He still is VERY organized and meticulous. He wouldnt touch his 1st bday cake, except with the tip of his finger and then he would lick it off. Pretty much no great photo ops with that.
My boys loved to line up their cars too. I forgot about that until I saw your pics.
I bet Luke will be that way, I think you are pretty organized and stuff yourself right?

MarylandMommy said...

Seth is like that most of the time but does have his messy moments. I am sure he gets that from me because I am a little anal about neatness!

Halloween he always dumps all of his candy out & puts them into matching piles. It is hilarious! He won't even ask to eat any until they are all neat & orderly! Ugg! Should that worry me???

Beth said...

Renee: Well both my husband and me like things to be clean. I think his is cleaner than most guys!! which is good, cause he helps me out around the house sometimes.

Jenny: Wow..your oldest son is really smart. He just doesn't put them in a line, he goes an extra step to organize them..thats so funny and cute.

Nicki: Maybe it is a oldest child thing. Jenny said her oldest did that too, and my brother is older than me and I remember seeing pictures of him with his cars lined up all the way from his room down the hallway.

Heidi: I thought you might like that picture. Since it is kinda like the one on your blog. I love those kind of pictures

Trina: Yeah I think Luke gets a lot of it from me. I try to be very organized. It bothers me when stuff is out of place or just creating clutter.

marylandmommy: I think it is a good thing...being neat and orderly. Especially for boys!! Well just have to see if it carries over to adulthood.

Ida Marie said...

That is great. I don't know if my son will be like that. Sometimes he does things that make me think so, but he also loves to cause a nice disaster.

Christy said...

Your son sounds just like mine. He always lines his cars up in a perfect straight line and he hates to be dirty.

I found the link for your blog on a blog that I visit regularly. I am a stay at home Mom to a 2 year old boy as well. You can check out my blog anytime!

Take care!