Friday, April 14, 2006

I Was Tagged!!!

Well I was tagged by Trina, so I am passing it on!!! Have fun!!!

Here are the rules:

Tag 4 people. It was 6, but I am only doing 4. Make your own choice however. List some Weird Facts about yourself, the weirder the .Leave a link of the blogs that you tagged so others can find them easily.

Here are the four blogs I tagged, so go read their WEIRD facts.


Drywall Mom


Ladybug Hill

Ok, so here are my weird facts!!

(let see how many I can come up with)

1. I love to drink my coffee in the morning, but I hate making it. It is so nice when I come in the kitchen in the morning and see that Joe has already made it and all I have to do is get myself a cup.

2. I still like to watch re-runs of "Saved by the Bell" When Luke was a baby he would always wake up at around the same time early in the morning to nurse and I would turn on the tube and watch it.

3. I wear padded shorts (butt pads) when I go snowboarding!!! I learned my lesson the first day I went and now I won't go without them. :-)

4. I am great talking to people one on one, but sometimes get uncomfortable and shy in big groups. I usually just end up sitting there not saying a word.

5. (ok I am getting some ideas from Trina, cause I am running out of things) Trina said she has only bought one thing on ebay...Well I am on the other end of the spectrum. Last Christmas I bought almost ALL our presents on Ebay. But if it was clothing it had to be "New with tags"

6. Sometimes I think I like to watch cartoons more than Luke does!!!! I really like Nick Jr. and the Disney channel.

7. Joe and I love Starbucks and go there so much that we joke around and say that we probably pay there electricity bill every month.

8. I love and am so thankful for the time I get to spend with Luke each day. I love to watch him learn and grow right before my eyes. It is truely amazing and everytime he does something new I am just blown away with how big and smart he is getting. (ok so this one is not weird, but it is a fact about me)

Well I am sure there are more weird facts about me...I just can't think of them right now. Maybe it is just to early in the morning.


Heidi said...

TAG! I'll have to think of some things and also find some time to post it. these days seem so hectic but I'll get it up soon... It sounds fun! Your Starbucks comments are hilarious! I love them too they are the best coffee in the world! I also love your new profile picture it's beautiful!

Trina said...

I loved your list. What a great sport Beth, thanks!
The butt pads made me laugh, and I am with ya on the Starbucks thing!

Kim's Life said...

We have Star Bucks in Austraila. LOVE IT. Great list.:)

Renee said...

Thanks for the facts, Beth! I love these lists. I think I've been tagged too but haven't gotten around to doing it yet . .

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Beth- we are a lot alike! I looove Starbuck's, too- especially that they MAKE it for me! I don't like having to make my coffee either. Hubby doesn't drink coffee, so I feel guilty going to Starbucks too much, so I brew it at home! Also- ebay addict here, for sure! Such good deals- how can you resist???

tara said...

hey beth! hope you guys had a fabulous Easter too! i love when other bloggers do these list!! *love* my morning coffee, and guess what?! i too hate making it, my husband does it for me too!! :) and your ebay addiction... i'm right there with you!! i buy and sell greyson's clothes on there, actually i buy and sell alot of stuff on there!! :) it is a daily computer stop for me!! -tara