~Our journey through this life, enjoying each day and trying to grow from the things that come our way~
Friday, April 28, 2006
Oh...that how a pen works!!!
Well Luke got a hold a pen and wrote on the side of his face. Luckily I found him with it before he marked on anything else. He didn't even know that he marked all over his cheek. So I showed him in the mirror. The mirror pictures didn't come out so good cause of the flash. But at least you can see the look on his face. Like, "how did that get there." He thought it was pretty interesting!!!
Awe what a cutie....a curious cutie!! Oh the things to look forward too..lol
LOL! He is just so darn cute!!
I'm glad to see you update. I've been wondering how you and your little family were doing. :)
oh boy!
good thing you found him in
the middle of his mischief! :)
Gotta love it!
Very cute. It's so fun watching them learn new things. Even if the learning can get them in a little trouble.
He is so cute! I love the last picture!
So funny! And cute. How can you not kiss him all day long?!
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