Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Sick On Saturday

Well Luke woke up sick on Saturday morning. He woke up and came into the living room and right away I could tell he was not himself. He wanted me to hold him and then started gagging. We went into the bathroom to try and let him throw up. He stood over the toilet for awhile gagging and his tummy making all kinds of noises, but he fought it off. So no throwing up. Which was good, but probably would have been good for him to get it out of his system.
So Joe worked all day Saturday and Luke and I stayed home. Luke pretty much just layed around all day sleeping off and on. Every now and then it would seem he would get some energy back and would start to play, but then after a few minutes he would lay back down. Poor guy. Not sure what he had or where he got it. He ran a little fever off and on all day too. But then he woke up Sunday morning feeling just fine and back to normal. Very thankful it wasn't anything more.
The picture shows what he wanted to do pretty much all day long. It was nice to have the cuddle time. (doesn't happen very much now a days) But just to bad it was because he was not feeling good.


Jennifer said...

The picture is so sweet! I am glad you had time to bond. I know what you mean about cuddle time, my five year old thinks he's to big to hug mom in public.

K.T. is Mommatude said...

He looks so sweet,I love pix of kids sleeping-they always look so peaceful.I have a few like that too.glad he feels better!!!!

MarylandMommy said...

Poor baby! Hope he is feeling better! I love that cuddle time too! It's the best!

Heidi said...

Awe poor Luke, I'm glad to hear he's feeling better already! It's hard to see our babies that way. Sam's still sick but getting better as well...she loved to cuddle a lot today - isn't it great!

Renee said...

Poor little pitiful baby. Hope he's feeling better now.

Nicki said...

He is so cute, even when he's sick! I'm so glad it didn't last long. It's no fun for them and hard to watch for us mommies. Precious picture!