Wednesday, March 08, 2006

What kids think is fun!!!!

My thoughts while doing laundry:

I am the worlds biggest procrastinator when it comes to doing the laundry. Especially when the pile is as high as a mountain and I know it is going to take forever to get it all done. Like on a Monday and you didn't do anything over the weekend but watch the pile grow. I don't mind the part of putting stuff in the washer, cause that feels like you are getting something done. But I don't like the part of taking the clothes out of the dryer, cause that means you have to fold everything.

So anyways...When ever I do the laundry Luke is always by my side wanting to help. I take the clothes out of the washer and hand them to him and he puts them in the dryer. He loves it. Then I give him a dryer sheet and he puts it in the dryer and then he knows that we are done and he shuts the door. As I watch him doing this he is just smiling away and every time he put a piece of clothing in the dryer he is cheering "Yah Yah" He really enjoys it. I just thought it was so funny how something like laundry or dishes is a chore to me, and if I had my way I would rather not do them. Yet to Luke it is something that he really wants to be a part of, and it actually fun for him. Just as if he were playing with his toys. Funny uh? I wish I had that mind all the time. I really do appreciate the help now, cause I know when he is a teenager I will be begging him to do the dishes and at least put his dirty clothes in the hamper!!


momto3blessings said...

Mary does the same thing with the laundry she puts them all in the dryer for me. She loves it. She also helps me empty the dishwasher she hands all the big dishes to me and then she puts all the silverware in the drawer by herself.

Nicki said...

That is so sweet. :)

Trina said...

Don't children put life in perspective so many times?

Heidi said...

Hi Beth, thank you for your comment on my site. It's nice to meet you! I couldn't help but leave a comment on your blog too, as I found we have a few things in common...Starbucks addiction, a spiritual base and also precious children! Luke is so adorable! And Samantha is already trying to help me do laundry. Once I put her in the basket for a ride to the laundry room in the
Hope we can keep in touch! God bless and chat again soon...

Alison said...

My oldest loves to do dishes. I think the chores are more fun when you do them with children. They at least have a different perspective; however, they do take a lot longer that way. :)

MarylandMommy said...

I say the same thing about Seth. He is 4 & loves to help but I cherish these times because I know he won't want to help in a few years!!!

Drywall Mom said...

I don't mind doing laundry that much but as for dishes, I hate doing dishes.

Pirate said...

A little heads up mom. i work at home and have three teenagers i share with my wife. As the the brood got older the laundry pies grew. So I do it every morning after everyone is out house so the pile stays small. But according to Mrs. Pirate i have destroyed a lot of nice clothes doing it my way.